Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Daily Wordlist 28-Jan-10

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Daily Wordlist
psyche [ sahyk ]
 noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ]
 1. (tr. v.) to put into the right psychological frame of mind
2. (tr. v.) to intimidate or undermine the confidence of by using psychological means
3. (tr. v.) to anticipate a person's intentions
4. (intr. v.) to become mentally deranged
5. (n.) the mental or psychological make up of a person
 He lost the game because his opponent psyched him into missing his shot.
 Comprising the army, air force and navy, the Israeli Defence Force, to give it its official name, has a fundamental place in the national psyche.
BBC, Israel's army and national psyche, Martin Patience, 29 June 2006.
eulogistic [ yoo-luh'-JIS-tik ]
 adjective ]
 1. laudatory
2. pertaining to high praise
3. praise worthy or commendable
 The mayor delivered a eulogistic speech to welcome the soldiers who had returned home after the Vietnam war.
 The result is that on most nights, the main news topic is a eulogistic account of Putin's latest activities, whether that be posing semi-naked on a fishing expedition or travelling to Teheran to lecture the Americans on the futility of launching military action against Iran.
The Telegraph, Darkness is falling in Vladimir Putin's Russia, Con Coughlin, 3 November 2007.
pacify [ PAS-uh'-fahy ]
 transitive verb ]
 1. to soothe or ease the anger or irritation
2. to appease
3. to subdue
 The lady pacified the lost child who was crying for his mother by buying him a chocolate while she searched for his parents.
 He must pacify his senior management team, three of whom wanted his job, tame the fiercely proprietorial shareholder base and face down the competition in food and clothing that has steadily eroded its dominance.
The Telegraph, Movers and shakers: Where to find them in 2010, 20 December 2009.
colloquy [ KOL-uh'-kwee ]
 noun ]
 1. a formal exchange of conversation
2. a conference or dialogue
3. a discussion between the judge and the defendant during a hearing to ascertain whether the defendant understands the court proceedings and his or her rights
  The colloquy between the CEO and a director was tabled during the meeting.
 There was, however, one important actor missing at yesterday's colloquy: Gibraltar refuses to take part in the Brussels process because it has not been granted an independent voice or a power of veto.
The Telegraqph, Stand by the Rock, 21 November 2001.
disquisition [ dis-kwuh'-ZISH-uh'n ]
 noun ]
 1. a formal dissertation
2. a treatise or discourse on a subject
 The disquisition did not achieve its objective as a consensus could not be formed.
  His books are beautiful headache machines crammed with dense disquisitions on, say, virtual reality or the genetic code or the history of soap.
CNN, Review: 'Our Singing' a cool breeze, Troy Patterson, 23 January 2003.
Spelled Pronunciation Key
Stress marks: [ CAPS ] indicates the primary stressed syllable, as in newspaper [NOOZ-pey-per ] and information [ in-fer-MEY-shuh' n ]
[b] boy, baby, rob
[d] do, ladder, bed
[f] food, offer, safe
[g] get, bigger, dog
[h] happy, ahead
[j] jump, budget, age
[k] can, speaker, stick
[l] let, follow, still
[m] make, summer, time
[n] no, dinner, thin
[ng] singer, think, long
[p] put, apple, cup
[r] run, marry, far, store
[s] sit, city, passing, face
[sh] she, station, push
[t] top, better, cat
[ch] church, watching, nature, witch
[th] thirsty, nothing, math
[th'] this, mother, breathe
[v] very, seven, love
[w] wear, away
[hw] where, somewhat
[y] yes, onion
[z] zoo, easy, buzz
[zh] measure, television, beige
[a] apple, can, hat
[ey] aid, hate, day
[ah] arm, father, aha
[air] air, careful, wear
[aw] all, or, talk, lost, saw
[e] ever, head, get
[ee] eat, see, need
[eer] ear, hero, beer
[er] teacher, afterward, murderer
[i] it, big, finishes
[ahy] I, ice, hide, deny
[o] odd, hot, woffle
[oh] owe, road, below
[oo] ooze, food, soup, sue
[oo'] good, book, put
[oi] oil, choice, toy
[ou] out, loud, how
[uh] up, mother, mud
[uh'] about, animal, problem, circus
[ur] early, bird, stirring
[a*] Fr. ami
[kh*] Scot. loch, Ger. ach or ich
[œ] Fr. feu, Ger. schön
[r*] Fr. au revoir, Yiddish rebbe
[uh*] Fr. oeuvre
[y*] Fr. tu, Ger. über
[an*] Fr. bien
[ahn*] Fr. croissant
[awn*] Fr. bon
[œn*] Fr. parfum
[in*] Port. Principe
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